Global Income Opportunity

A message from your host Michael
"My wife Marsha and I show you how to create a second income opportunity starting today. No, this is not a get-rich-quick-pitch. It does take effort! But can be very rewarding..."
Hello again,
I'm Michael (O'Conner) Packer. Yes that's my voice you hear on the radio from over 30 years ago. Wow, how time flies!
Over the years since, I've built several successful businesses. I'm a licensed health and life insurance agent in Michigan. Host three websites including this one. And Marsha and I represent a product that is marketed worldwide. Now, we want to share this with you because, as you will discover, this product helps millions of people and is a great income opportunity.
In the state of today's world economy, many of us are looking for ways to generate a second stream of ongoing income.
Back in 2006, we found a wonderful small business opportunity that we easily fit into our busy weekly schedule.
No, this is not a get rich quick business. However, thousands of people worldwide are investing a few hours of their spare time each week and discovering that the pay off in additional ongoing residual income can be significant.
Because we both have full time jobs, Marsha and I spend about 5 to 8 hours each week working on our home based business. And the beauty of this is we can do it anywhere, regardless of where we are traveling. That's because our "office" is a laptop computer.
Our investment to get into this business was minimal (and it still is). We are our own boss. The product is "green" and healthy. We enjoy helping others while at the same time generating residual income. And, the support staff and training are world class.
Marsha and I invite you to take few minutes and watch the income opportunity video. To get the link to the video, please fill out the short form below. The link will be sent to you immediately.
Your contact information will not be shared with anyone outside the company.
Onward and upward!
Michael O'Conner Packer &
Marsha Packer
Step 1. Request the link to watch the Video.
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