Elvis Biography - Chapter 7 - The Final Months

Friends See Presley's Health Failing
Click player to listen as friends tell about how Elvis looked when they last saw him
Elvis Biography – Presley’s Timeline of Health Problems
• In October 1973, shortly after his divorce from Priscilla, Elvis is hospitalized in Memphis. • From January 29th thru Valentine’s Day 1975, Elvis is again hospitalized. It is now becoming evident that his health is declining.
• Elvis goes on tour in the early part of 1977. But from April 1st through April 5th, he is hospitalized which results in the cancellation of some shows.
• Later that year, from June 19th through the 21st, concerts are recorded by RCA and videotaped by CBS. They are to be used in an upcoming special titled Elvis In Concert. Footage from the show clearly shows Presley’s health is rapidly declining. This special will not be aired until October 3rd, about two months after his death.
• June 26, 1977 is the last public performance of Elvis Presley. The concert is held in Indianapolis Indiana at the Market Square Arena.