Chapter 5 - Elvis Presley Biography - August 1977

Friends Share their Elvis Stories
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Elvis Presley Biography - Wednesday, August 17, 1977 - Elvis' Friends Reflect
We want to fill in the gaps of the traditional biography. So we start gathering interviews from Elvis Presley’s circle of friends and acquaintances who share their reflections about who Elvis was.
Dick Clark talks about the time Elvis dropped by for a quick visit to one of Clark’s shows in Vegas. It was then that Clark realized Elvis was already a legend. Captain Jerry Kennedy of the Denver police department talks about what a generous man Elvis was. Presley was famous for his gift giving. Occasionally, he would give a car to a total stranger in need. Mrs. J.C. Grimes, Elvis’ fifth grade teacher was interviewed. She tells the wonderful story of Presley entering a talent contest. He wrote a song about his dog named Shep. Mrs. Grimes talks about the last time she saw Elvis.
Next to Chapter 6
Elvis Hits the Charts and gives rare radio interview

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